the awful messages that the children of Jean-Pierre Pernaut have received since the announcement of his cancer …

Even in the face of adversity, the Pernaut clan remains united. This Monday, November 22, 2021, the former presenter of the 13 hours of TF1 confirmed a very sad news on Twitter. Facing the camera, Jean-Pierre Pernaut announced that he was suffering from lung cancer. “I learned of this disease last May. I underwent a first operation in early July, a treatment that has continued for a few weeks (…) ”, explained the 71-year-old journalist. “If I talk about it, first of all I think that we should not be afraid of cancer; I had one: the prostate, you know that. I spoke about it to try to improve prevention. Same thing for the lung, I thought it only happened to others for years and years (…) ”.

On the set of “Touche pas à mon poste” on the same date, his wife Nathalie Marquay assured that the father of his children had “a morale of steel” despite the disease. “We are with him, his whole family. And then he fights. And then as they say, never two without three. We each had cancer and then there is another one that comes. The word cancer doesn’t mean death, ”Lou and Tom’s mom said on C8.

On the Web, her eldest daughter also came out of her silence to reassure her community on this subject. “Thank you for your many messages concerning my family (…). My father has indeed suffered from lung cancer for a few months. Luckily it was taken on time, don’t worry. It’s still a long way to go, but we believe in it (…) ”, Lou Pernaut said on his social networks.

Unfortunately, Internet users openly laughed at this delicate situation. This Tuesday, November 23 on Instagram, the influencer teased a possible trip in December 2021. To which an Internet user replied: “At your father’s funeral?”. Shocked, Lou Pernaut immediately relayed this horrible post in his story. “I deleted my previous story, because this girl would have ‘had her phone stolen’ to have this written in my story,” she captioned the screen. “I had posted it in the story, but what was the point of harassing it? Poor girl, you hurt me. You and your friends who supposedly took your phone. Don’t keep them in your life. But frankly, may karma take good care of you ”.


See also: Stéphane Bern is delighted with the departure of Jean-Pierre Pernaut

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