Wisdom ?
Q: Would it be wise to change our 2015 Honda Accord (110,000 km), which we are very satisfied with, for a Honda Accord hybrid? Our goal is to save on the price of fuel. What to consider, a plug-in hybrid or not? Is it important ? – Louise G. – R.
A: Considering the year and current mileage of your vehicle, you travel an average of 13,000 km per year. By opting for a hybrid version of the Accord, you could cut your fuel costs in half if your current vehicle (the 2015) is powered by a 3.5L V6 engine. On the other hand, if the task of moving your Accord from its static position falls to the four-cylinder engine (2.4 L), the economy will be less, but still substantial. Assuming your current vehicle is fully paid for, its current market value is between $17,000 and $23,000. Purchasing a newer-built Accord Hybrid will result in an exchange cost of approximately $10,000 for your current vehicle. This, not to mention some related costs (the cost of insurance, for example, will probably also be higher). Therefore, the savings made at the pump will take a few years to be felt, especially with such low annual mileage. Therefore, the most economical solution at the moment seems to be to keep your vehicle and to keep an eye on future fully electric products. As for the rechargeable hybrid engine, it is an interesting option for a smooth transition to all-electric and a very efficient solution if used correctly. That is to say to recharge it regularly on a terminal and not while driving.
Good advice

2018 Honda Odyssey
Q: My lease on my 2018 Honda Odyssey EX-L ends in August 2023, as does my five-year extended warranty. My cash value is $17,500. My adviser suggests that I buy a new one, giving me a greater cash value for my vehicle and a five-year warranty. According to him, it would lower my fortnightly payments and ultimately benefit me financially. Having no problem with my current vehicle and no knowledge in this area, would it be more financially advantageous to benefit from his proposal or simply to buy back my vehicle? I forgot to tell you that I have new tires, brakes and a battery. -Catherine L.
A: The market value of your vehicle is much higher than the residual value indicated in your contract. In fact almost double. Why not buy it? It is a reliable vehicle and one that you seem to maintain with care.
The good choice

Audi Q5
Q: I am thinking of buying a 2019-2020 Audi Q5. As I cannot find information on the web, could you tell me if this vehicle is reliable and which version you would recommend (Komfort or Technik)? – Jean-Pierre M.
A: It is worth remembering beforehand that this model was redesigned in 2018. The reliability of this model is above the average for its category. As for the variation, we suggest the Komfort to the extent that you will reduce the risk of failure of certain electronic accessories. And your expenses too.
Tow with what?

Ram 1500
Q: I would like to purchase a V8 pickup truck to tow a trailer over 30′. Between the Ford 150, the GM Sierra and the Ram, which is a good choice? –Jocelyn C.
A: All of the models mentioned will tow your trailer with no problem. The most comfortable of the three for performing this task is by far the Ram, followed by the Sierra and the F-150. The Ram also has the distinction of offering a more rewarding, more spacious and above all more functional interior. On the other hand, the Ram does not only have qualities. Its fuel consumption is higher than that of the other two.