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The end of receipt printing is postponed again. Due to inflation, consumers need more than ever to take stock of each of their expenses.
New reprieve for the receipt, which will not finally disappear on April 1st. With inflation, the government decided to shift the date. Consumers are divided: some are delighted to better keep their accounts, others think of the environment. The measure aims to fight against waste, and the kilometers of tickets thrown away each year.
Postponed to August 1?
Tickets will not be printed, but customers can still request their invoice at the checkout. The Minister Delegate for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Trade, Olivia Grégoire, is now advancing the date to August 1. Consumer associations continue to point out the dangers of the measure. “There may be risks of merchant errors, possibly even fraud“, warns Matthieu Robin, Deputy Head of Studies at UFC-Que Choisir.