The author of the saber attack in Quebec was calm during his arrest, says a police officer

A police officer who arrested the perpetrator of the saber murders in Old Quebec in 2020 said Carl Girouard was calm and cooperating with the police.

Officer Audrey Boulet told the murder trial on Wednesday morning that the suspect was obedient and seemed coherent moments after his arrest, in the early hours of November 1, 2020, near “Espace 400e”.

Carl Girouard is charged with two counts of first degree murder and five counts of attempted murder in connection with the October 31, 2020 saber attacks.

Judge Richard Grenier, of the Superior Court, has already explained to the jurors that Girouard admitted the actions taken, but that he will maintain that he was not criminally responsible at the time of the facts because he suffered from a mental disorder. .

Constable Boulet said Wednesday that at the time of her arrest, Girouard refused to identify herself and told her to check her black 2006 Saturn vehicle parked near the Chateau Frontenac.

The jury also heard testimony on Wednesday morning from Pierre-Luc Laflamme, a paramedic who took care of Girouard after his arrest. He too maintained that the suspect was calm.

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