the author of the mortal blows imprisoned

In the investigation into the death of a motorist in Montbéliard last Thursday, the alleged perpetrator of the fatal blows was imprisoned on Monday evening. The man had gone Sunday evening to the police of Grenoble in Isère where part of his family resides. He was transferred to the Montbéliard police station before being placed in police custody. Unknown to justice, this 28-year-old man was referred to the Montbéliard prosecutor’s office on Monday evening.

Violence resulting in death without intention to give it

This Montbéliardais was indicted for “violence having caused death without intention to give it” confirmed his lawyer Maître Yannick Barré to France Bleu Belfort Montbéliard. After being presented to a judge of freedoms and detention, the put in cause was imprisoned in the remand center of Mulhouse while awaiting trial.

A clash between two vehicles that turns to drama

Last Thursday in a street in the Chiffogne district, this man had hit hard on the head a man in his sixties after a collision between their two vehicles. The victim transferred to the Besançon University Hospital did not survive his injuries. The companion of the alleged perpetrator of the fatal blows, involved in the material accident and who had also fled, was not prosecuted.

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