the author of the “Diary of a survivor of the Bataclan” confides in his reconstruction



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350 people survived the attacks of November 13, 2015. Christophe Naudin, one of the survivors of the Bataclan, is the guest of the 23 Hours JT.

Christophe Naudin, survivor of the Bataclan attack and author of the “Journal of a survivor of the Bataclan”, was present, Saturday, November 13, during the ceremonies in the capital. “It’s important to get together, but also to remember and meditate. Last year, for the five years, we couldn’t do it, that’s also why it was important to be there this year “, testifies Christophe Naudin.

In his book, he explains that he was struck by history, a strong and poignant testimony. “During the commemorations, but also since the reopening of the trial, I have less good times. The year 2016, I enjoyed life a lot while rebuilding myself on the psychological side. I went out a lot and when I ‘was all alone at home I ruminated a lot. In 2017, I met someone and then little by little, I started to change my life “, adds the survivor of the Bataclan attack.

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