the Australian Prime Minister claims to have never lied

Scott Morrison rejected the allegations of Emmanuel Macron who had assured that the Prime Minister had lied to him in the submarine file.

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He believes he has enough leather to face the accusations of dishonesty coming in particular from Emmanuel Macron. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison assured Friday, November 12 that he had never lied in his public life. Asked whether he had ever lied in public life, the head of government replied to a reporter from Melbourne 3AW radio: “I don’t think I (lied), no, no”.

The French president recently accused Scott Morrison of openly lying to him about a € 55 billion contract for twelve submarines, which was abandoned without warning in September. Emmanuel Macron discovered at the last moment that Australia had secretly negotiated an agreement on nuclear-powered submarines with the United States and the United Kingdom. “I know” that Scott Morrison lied to me, the French head of state told Australian journalists earlier this month.

Scott Morrison’s predecessor and rival in the Liberal Party, Malcolm Turnbull, fueled the controversy by assuring that the head of government had a reputation for lying. The sincerity of the head of government has become a major subject of debate on the Australian political scene and a possible weakness for Scott Morrison who could run for a second term in the elections next May.

“I learned in public life, over a long period, not to have too fine leather”, insisted the Prime Minister. Scott Morrison assures that these accusations did not disturb him and that he is certain to have taken the right decision by breaking the engagement on the French submarines in order to ensure the national defense of his country.

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