The Aude gendarmerie calls for witnesses to find a 67-year-old man

The Carcassonne gendarmerie company, in Aude, is appealing for witnesses following the worrying disappearance of Mr. Robin Espley, Wednesday August 17, 2022, in the town of Laprade, located in the northwest of the Aude department. It is part of the Black Mountain.

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According to elements of the gendarmerie, he left his home on foot around 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday evening, but he still has not returned home. He has no phone or ID. 67 years old, he measures 1.85 m, of normal build with gray hair and he also wears prescription glasses. He left home in gray pants and a red and blue sweater.

If you have any information, contact the Aude gendarmerie at 04 68 11 50 00.

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