the Auch public prosecutor’s office opens an investigation for “mistreatment” after revelations by L214 on a duck farm

The L214 association has announced that it is filing a complaint for mistreatment against the farm in question and against the company which transports the ducks from the force-feeding rooms to the slaughterhouse.

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The Auch public prosecutor’s office is opening an investigation for “professional animal abuse” after the broadcast of a video by the L214 association shot in a duck farm in Isle-Bouzon (Gers), France Bleu reports on Thursday February 24. Occitania.

In this video shot in November and December 2021, we see a force-feeding room of the farm where there are around 2,000 ducks locked in collective metal cages. According to L214, the mesh floor causes injuries under the paws of animals. The association also denounces in a press release the density inside these cages, which “do not allow animals to spread their wings, which is a requirement of the regulations”.

L214 has announced that it is filing a complaint for mistreatment against the farm in question and against the company which transports the ducks from the force-feeding rooms to the slaughterhouse. According to the association, the transport boxes, which are too low, do not comply with the law, and “nothing is done to prevent the ducks’ urine and faeces from flowing onto those placed on the lower levels”continues the organization, supporting images. “Beyond animal concentration, liver dysfunction in force-fed birds leads to failure of the animals’ immune systems, which is also conducive to virus development”indicates L214.

The association also ensures that the multiple transport of waterfowl, from their hatchery located in Deux-Sèvres to the slaughterhouse in Vic-Fezensac (Gers) via the farm in Lot-et-Garonne where they are reared and farm in the Gers where they are force-fed, favor “the spread of avian influenza”.

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