The astonishing confession of football specialist Pierre Ménès!

Famous commentator and sports journalist specializing in football, Pierre Ménès had a difficult time after being accused of sexual assault. In an article published in March 2021, Mediapart revealed that Pierre Ménès had been the subject of a complaint for “sexual assault” filed in October 2018 by an employee of a Parisian store of the sports equipment manufacturer. Facts that he strongly disputes: It was in the basketball department. So I did what basketball players do, chest to chest, in a kind of “check”. This is called sexual assault “. But the football specialist was also accused of inappropriate behavior by other women, such as a hostess at the Parc des Princes who mentioned touching the breasts. ” I never approached this woman, near or far. It’s a pure invention “, defended himself on his side Pierre Ménès in the columns of Parisian.

Guest of the program “The celestial tramps”, the journalist mentioned other accusations concerning him. “Me, I am told that I am homophobic… I shared the life of a woman for 14 years whose brother is homosexual. I’ve had dinner with them, gone gay clubbing with them, and had a shovel or two cheated for that matter. Sometimes you’re taken by surprise though.”Have you been sexually assaulted?“, then asked him Simon Collin the host. “I won’t go so far as to say sexually assaulted but take it by surprise. Finally take… the mouth!“, specified the journalist.

The trial of Pierre Ménès postponed in 2023

Suffering last June, the former Canal + columnist, who was to answer for acts of sexual assault during his trial, did not appear at the hearing. The 58-year-old sports journalist was at that time “very sick” and hospitalized, “almost in a coma”, according to his lawyer Me Arash Derambarsh. He was thus returned by the Paris Criminal Court to March 8, 2023.


See also: Carla Bruni: the rape case that shakes her family!

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