The president of the association La Voix de l’enfant, Martine Brousse, observes that associations against school bullying are “called to order because they make too many reports after interventions in class”.
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![The Adrienne-Bolland high school in Poissy (Yvelines), where Nicolas attended school. The student who was the victim of harassment ended his life on September 5. (JULIEN DE ROSA / AFP)](
“This is the type of mail that our associations receive, the Voice of the Child associations, which carry out prevention in schools”, reacts Saturday September 16 in the evening on franceinfo the president of the association which fights against school bullying, Martine Brousse, after the revelation of a letter sent by the Versailles rectorate to parents. Their son said he was the victim of school bullying, he committed suicide on September 5 in Poissy.
>> Letter from the Versailles rectorate: “certain educational executives defend the institution more than the children”, denounces an association against school harassment
The associations are “called to order because they report too much, after interventions in class”, explains Martine Brousse. The president of La Voix de l’enfant assures that two associations have already been targeted “with the risk of losing their approval to intervene in schools”.
“Many times we have had to deal with rectorates who have told us ‘everything is fine, there is nothing to see'”denounces Martine Brousse.