“The Assembly is not Intervilles”, denounces the deputy Renaissance Karl Olive


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The deputy of Yvelines points in particular to the holding of certain parliamentarians of La France insoumise.

“The National Assembly is not a discotheque, it is not Intervilles”denounced Friday August 5 on franceinfo the deputy Renaissance Karl Olive, about the dress of certain deputies in the hemicyle pointing out in particular the outfit of certain parliamentarians of La France insoumise.

“I pinched myself when I came to this Houseexplains the deputy. When I see the dress codes of the ushers of the National Assembly and on the other side, people who sometimes arrive with ripped jeans… Sorry, but me, that shocks me.”

According to Karl Olive, this attitude goes against the “respect” : “We must not ask ourselves, afterwards, why our kids no longer respect the teachers, no longer respect the security forces and no longer respect the firefighters”valued MP Renaissance. “Do we have to continue, that we accept the ambient mess in the National Assembly?concludes Karl Olive. There is a minimum of respect to be had.”

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