The Assembly extends the raising of the ceiling of the “Coluche” device

In March 2020, to deal with the economic crisis due to Covid-19, Parliament temporarily increased to 1 000 euros donations for the benefit of associations which can be tax exempt. This will still be the case in 2022 and 2023.

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The National Assembly has raised for two additional years the ceiling of the “Coluche” device which allows the deduction of taxes 75% of the sums paid to associations. With the support of the government, the deputies validated Wednesday, November 10 this amendment to the draft budget 2022 initiated by the MoDem group.

The “Coluche” device, named in reference to the founder of Restos du cœur, allows tax exemption for payments made to associations providing free meals to people in difficulty, helping to promote their accommodation or providing free care.

The device was initially capped at 552 euros in donations. In March 2020, Parliament temporarily raised this ceiling to 1,000 euros in donations to deal with the precariousness due to the health crisis. Corn “many situations of economic fragility may still be present”, read the text.

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