the assailant and his companion formally charged as “co-authors”

The assailant of Argentinian Vice-President Cristina Kirchner two weeks ago, and his young companion, were both formally charged, Thursday, September 15, with attempted“aggravated homicide” premeditated, and remanded in custody.

On September 1, Fernando Sabag Montiel, 35, was overpowered and arrested on the spot, when the shot had not fired, and his friend Brenda Uliarte, 23, arrested three days later. Her presence at the scene of the attack the same evening had been confirmed by video surveillance images, when she had assured that she had not seen her friend for two days.

In her resolution, consulted by AFP, judge Maria Capuchetti considers the two accused “co-authors”. She will have to rule later on the fate of two acquaintances of the couple arrested this week: Agustina Diaz, 21, of a proven degree of complicity according to the judge, and Nicolas Gabriel Carrizo, 27, who are still in pre-trial detention.

Kirchner, former head of state (2007-2015) and figurehead of the Peronist left, both influential and divisive in Argentine politics, was the victim of an attempted attack on September 1, while She mingled with supporters who every evening came by the hundreds outside her home to express their support for her while she is on trial for corruption – which she denies.

Fernando Sabag Montiel, in the crowd, had pointed a pistol about a meter from Ms. Kirchner’s head, but for some uncertified reason the shot did not go off. The weapon – a Bersa caliber 7.65 semi-automatic pistol – was nevertheless loaded with five bullets and in working order, but without a bullet engaged in the chamber, according to judicial sources. The judge notes that Fernando Sabag Montiel “pressed at least once” on the trigger.

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