The ARTM proposes an 18.6 billion tramway to connect the east of Montreal and Repentigny

The Eastern Structuring Project (PSE) will take the form of a 38-kilometer-long surface tramway to Repentigny and will include a tunnel under the Rivière des Prairies, all for an estimated cost of 18.6 billion, according to the new version of the project presented Friday by the Metropolitan Transport Agency (ARTM).

The ARTM returned to the drawing board after presenting in July 2023 a completely underground project worth 36 billion, a cost which exceeded “the ability of Quebecers to pay” according to the Quebec Ministry of Transport.

This new proposal, which replaces the defunct REM de l’Est, has 31 stations spread across the territory of Montreal, Montreal-East, Terrebonne and Repentigny.

Photo: ARTM

It will provide a connection with the green and blue lines of the metro, as well as with the commuter train network.

While the first version proposed using the Le Gardeur bridge which connects the island of Montreal to Repentigny, this new route instead plans to dig a tunnel under the Rivière des Prairies to reach the North Shore.

Construction costs are estimated at $6.7 billion, plus project management and professional services fees, risk allowance, cost escalation and discounting, and financing fees. and fiscal, for a total project cost of $18.6 billion.

More details will follow.

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