The text provided for the possibility for women to have up to 13 days of sick leave per year, subject to a medical certificate.
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The main measure was ultimately rejected. Article 1 of the bill aimed at establishing menstrual leave in the event of “disabling menstruation” was rejected by the Social Affairs Committee at the National Assembly on Wednesday March 27.
“The majority and the right reject a necessary step forward for women suffering from painful and incapacitating periods”deplores on (ex-Twitter) Sébastien Peytavie, environmentalist deputy from Dordogne, rapporteur of the text.
This text provided for the possibility for women to have up to 13 days of sick leave per year, without deficiency and fully paid by Health Insurance, subject to a medical certificate. “Only one vote will have been missing to have it adopted”regrets Sébastien Peytavie: the vote in committee was 16 votes against and 16 votes for, article 1 was therefore rejected.
The Senate had already ruled out the implementation of a work stoppage in the event of painful periods at the end of February. Environmentalists hope to put the subject back on the table during their parliamentary niche, scheduled for April 4. Spain was the first country in Europe to create such a leave in February 2023.