the article authorizing assistance in dying adopted in committee in the Assembly

The article adopted by the deputies authorizes the use of a lethal substance for a person who requests it, subject to conditions which will be specified later in the text.


Reading time: 1 min

The National Assembly, in Paris, May 15, 2024. (EMMANUEL DUNAND / AFP)

Despite sometimes virulent opposition, from the right and the left, the measure was validated. The deputies approved the principle of legalization of assisted dying, during the discussion of the bill on the end of life in the parliamentary committee, Thursday May 16.

The article adopted by the deputies authorizes the use of a lethal substance for a person who requests it, subject to conditions which will be specified later in the text. This substance can be administered by the patient, a doctor, a nurse, or a volunteer designated by the patient. The deputies restricted the scope of third parties authorized to administer the lethal substance. They must be of age and not receive “no remuneration or gratuity” in return.

Many deputies unsuccessfully opposed the use of a relative, highlighting potential pressure and psychological consequences. “We consider it fairer to leave the choice of modality to the sick person” on the contrary defended the vice-president of the commission Marie-Noëlle Battistel (PS).

Long debates focused on the role of “doctors and nurses”, authorized to administer the substance subject to a conscience clause. “The doctor must remain the one who treats”, LR MP Patrick Hetzel was indignant. The term “assisted dying” himself was attacked by opponents of the text, preferring the expressions “assisted suicide” And “euthanasia”. The RN deputy Hervé de Lépinau went so far as to denounce “the legalization of a homicide”when Pierre Dharréville (PCF) criticized a “ethical, social, cultural rupture”.

Earlier in the week, MPs amended the provisions regarding palliative care, allowing patients to leave advance directives on their choices in the event of irreversible loss of consciousness. The instructions will be systematically kept in the shared medical file. The text will be debated in the hemicycle from May 27.

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