the art of choosing your password wisely


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Internet: the art of choosing your password wisely

Internet: the art of choosing your password carefully – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – P.-Y.Salique, J.Wild, E.Maizy, M. Julia, P.Aubert, L.Michel

France Televisions

The ranking of the words most often used as passwords for computers or online banking accounts was revealed on Friday November 17. The study confirms that the French are relatively lazy and not very inventive. So, how to choose the right password?

Are you the cautious or reckless type? Choosing a password is quite revealing. Among the most used, the sequence from 1 to 9 is totally irresponsible, even adding the “1” at the end. Apparently, the French really like passwords like “loulou”, “soleil”, “cheval” or even “password”. But we should rather strengthen all this.

A digital suite can be pirated in less than a second

According to a study by Hive Systems, a digital sequence can be hacked in less than a second, and a series of letters in 32 minutes. A number/letter mixture will last ten months. The best thing is to add the symbols, and you are safe for 26 trillion years. If you’re lacking inspiration, a password generator can help. Alternatively, for example, you can take the first letters of each word of a song, so that it is easier to remember the password.

If you are worried about forgetting your password, it is recommended that you store it in a digital safe. The key is to make it complicated and memorable, without writing anything.

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