The arrogance of Alexandre Trudeau | The Journal of Montreal

The Trudeau brothers, Justin and Alexandre, have been cold for several years. Having become prime minister, Justin had no choice but to distance himself from Alexandre.

• Read also: Alexandre Trudeau denies any interference by the Chinese government with a donation to the Trudeau Foundation

• Read also: Justin Trudeau’s brother, Alexandre Trudeau, does not hide his affection for China

The two brothers are admirers of China, but Alexander, without the constraints and the political responsibilities, will stop at nothing. He has no critical sense.

He has already publicly declared that Iran under the Ayatollahs is the last bulwark against American hegemony. This means that he does not hide his ideological bias.

The younger brother of Justin, a member of the Trudeau Foundation where he defends the interests of the family, therefore the intellectual heritage of his father, demanded to testify Wednesday in a parliamentary committee on the question of Chinese interference in Canada.

In a scathing tone, he instead accused the Globe and Mail, Le Journal de Montréal and the former CEO of the Trudeau Foundation, Pascale Fournier, of having declared war on China.

  • Listen to Denise Bombardier’s column at the microphone of every Monday and every Friday, live or as a podcast on :

Alexandre is an unconditional lover of China, which he first visited with his father and his brother. He even republished in 2007 Deux innocents en Chine rouge, the book that his father had co-authored with Jacques Hébert in 1960.

In 2017, he published Un barbare en Chine nouvelle, the fruit of his travels in the country. There are interviews with Chinese people on the spot, who sometimes express reservations, but Alexandre doesn’t care.

In an interview with Le Devoir in 2016, Alexandre Trudeau said: “Progressives say China is a tough, totalitarian country. […] I tell them that may be true, but make no mistake: China is a happy country. The Chinese are happy. »

funny company

Quotations of this kind could be quoted from pages. This is what makes us understand why Justin Trudeau has distanced himself from a brother who is obviously attracted to dictatorships of all kinds and toxic characters.

For the record, let us remember that Alexandre Trudeau testified in favor of the Montreal preacher Adil Charkaoui, who indoctrinated young Muslims from the Collège de Maisonneuve, some of whom left to join the Islamists in Syria. Moreover, he continued to preach in Montreal. In 2021, the preacher also came to the defense of the Taliban in Afghanistan.

  • Listen to Denise Bombardier’s column at the microphone of every Monday and every Friday, live or as a podcast on :

The violent exit of Alexandre Trudeau on Wednesday before the parliamentary committee places the Prime Minister of Canada in a delicate situation. He had always managed to keep his reckless younger brother at bay. But the sharp, aggressive and authoritative tone of his testimony changed everything.

despotic attack

By thus attacking the Globe and Mail, a major newspaper respected in English Canada, the Journal de Montréal, read by millions of Quebecers, and Pascale Fournier, the former CEO of the Trudeau Foundation, a discreet academic recognized by her peers, Alexandre Trudeau behaved like a despot with a contemptuous tone.

In fact, the most arrogant of the Trudeau family is this man in the shadows, condemned in a way to remain discreet because of his brother.

However, his untimely exit against the media and the ex-CEO of the Trudeau Foundation risks taking the institution into turmoil in memory of his father.

What a family !

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