the arrival of this “new baby” which satisfies her at all levels… Internet users delighted!

This Monday, September 26, 2022, Karine Le Marchand announced great news to her community. ” Our new baby launched the flagship host of M6 in story while sharing the first images of the documentary: “Trans: unique in their kind”, scheduled for broadcast on October 6 on M6. In her Instagram feed, she also shared the trailer for this project which seems to be close to her heart.

In caption: ” Trans: one of a kind! I am very happy to announce the broadcast Thursday, October 6 of a special evening dedicated to Transidentity, on @m6officiel. A deep and sensitive documentary, 3 stories of 3 wonderful transgender people: Emma (62), Aela (32), and Zach (18). Who better than the people concerned and their loved ones to make us understand what everyone is going through? Thank you to our witnesses for their trust for more than 2 years, thank you to the associations (Giovanna), the surgeons, the Prosecutor of the Toulouse Court, and a big congratulations to my super director @delphinecinier for her exceptional work of sensitivity. Rv in front of your screens to better understand. A film then a debate (Parents, what to do?). I am proud to produce and present this evening »

“You can be proud”

A publication that did not fail to react to its subscribers. Visibly very touched by the commitment of the host to the LGBT + community, many Internet users applauded the work of the presenter. “ You can be proud… your commitment and your convictions are good for the audiovisual landscape”, “Haste! Very moving”, “Great”, could we read in the comments. See you next October 6 on M6 to discover the moving stories of Emma, ​​Aela and Zach. Three people who gave themselves up to the cameras and to Karine Le Marchand for the production of an original documentary.


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