Javier Milei has just been propelled president of Argentina on Sunday November 19, 2023. If Brazilian President Lula diplomatically greeted the new arrival, he is worried, like his Chilean counterpart, about a rise in the extreme right which, for their part, jubilant.
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Argentina, crushed by 140% inflation, has just elected an ultraliberal, anti-abortion and climate skeptic president. Javier Milei, a former economist, promises a liberalization policy by abolishing ministries such as those of Education and the Environment, and to make clear cuts in state services to revive the economy. Upon his election, the Argentine president received congratulations from his idol, Donald Trump, but, closer, Jair Bolsonaro is not to be outdone.
Unlike Lula, Jair Bolsonaro will attend the inauguration of Javier Milei on December 10
In Brazil, the election of the big neighbor was followed very closely. Lula had been working since his election to relaunch a new dynamic of cooperation between the two countries, but the arrival of Javier Milei had the effect of a cold shower. He contented himself with a message on the social network If some of his allies openly deplored the election of Javier Milei, Lula initially seeks to remain in the position of head of state, wanting to be pragmatic, while waiting to see how the new president will behave. On the other hand, he should not go to his counterpart’s inauguration.
On the side of the Brazilian far right, it’s jubilation. It must be said that she was in need of good news, after the two sentences of ineligibility for former President Jair Bolsonaro, who is far from having finished with his legal troubles. Everyone sees the victory in Argentina as the start of a new conservative wave in South America and the United States. After reacting on his social networks, affirming that “hope shines again”Jair Bolsonaro posted a video of his call to the new Argentine president in a frankly relaxed atmosphere: “Congratulations, I’m really happy (laughs). You mean a lot to Brazil, and know that for anything I could do to help you, I’m available. I almost supported Argentina during of the upcoming match on Tuesday (laughs)!” He should go to the inauguration of Javier Milei on December 10. In the meantime, Bolsonaro’s sons and allies are speaking out on their social networks, taking advantage of the opportunity to attack the Lula government and mobilize their supporters.
In Chile, the far right has been gaining ground for two years
On the other side of the Andes, in Chile, left-wing President Gabriel Boric published a fairly succinct message on the social network last for the Chilean president and while the two men are totally opposed on the political and ideological level. Gabriel Boric still wished the best to the Argentine people and reiterated his respect and support for the neighboring nation. Within his left-wing coalition, the few who have spoken out say they are “worried” of the arrival of this ultra-neoliberal. Some majority deputies even believe that a union of progressive forces is necessary to curb the far right which has gained ground in Chile during several elections over the last two years.
Here, in the country of ultra-liberalism, where the right considers that everything should be managed by the private sector, Milei’s victory was widely applauded. Former far-right Chilean presidential candidate José Antonio Kast said: “The reconstruction of Argentina begins”, while an MP from the traditional right wrote that “Argentinians have chosen the best option for their country“. A referendum is also planned for next December, concerning the adoption of a new Constitution, written precisely by the right and the extreme right.