the arrival of a new variant worries merchants as the holidays approach



Article written by

A.Richier, T. Souman, C. La Rocca, T. Gauthier – France 2

France Televisions

The arrival of a new variant in France is already worrying traders. Many French people fear a turn of the sanitary screw, and reservations are rare.

If the banquets of the week are still maintained, the general manager of the Marseille company “La Truffe Noire” has just recorded ten cancellations, for events scheduled for next week, and until the end of December. Its activity had nevertheless resumed well, after a 15-month hiatus. “This is more than a hundred thousand euros in turnover lost in a few days”, comments Fabrice Charrier.

As the end of year celebrations approach, the Vieux-Port (Bouches-du-Rhône) is quite empty. The epidemic outbreak and the new Omicron variant seem to worry the French. The chef of the starred restaurant Une table au Sud thus recorded few reservations for December 31, and created “a Christmas menu to take away” in order to anticipate losses.


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