the army of kyiv regains ground on Russia




Article written by

L.Desbonnets, L.Lacroix, B.Boussouar – France 2

France Televisions

In Ukraine, the war may be changing after the kyiv counter-offensive. The country announced on Monday, September 12, that more than 20 cities were liberated in 24 hours, and therefore taken over from the Russian army.

In Ukraine, military successes are linked for the soldiers of kyiv. According to the Ukrainian general staff, 20 additional localities would have been retaken from the Russians in 24 hours – no less than 3,000 square kilometers freed from the occupation of the Kremlin, since September 1, according to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense. “The local administration building is still on fire. Everything is destroyed, but it’s okay, we’re going to rebuild everything”says in a video a Ukrainian soldier, from the strategic city of Izium (Ukraine).

In their retreat, the Russian troops are said to have abandoned tanks and large stocks of ammunition. Moscow (Russia) was speaking for the moment of a regrouping of its forces. The tone changed on Sunday September 11, on public television. “On the front of the special operation in Ukraine, the fierce fighting continues. The past week is probably the hardest since the beginning”, said the presenter. On the morning of Monday the 12th, the Russian Ministry of Defense claimed to bomb areas reconquered by the Ukrainian army.

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