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France and the United Kingdom have been accumulating areas of contention for several months. This time, it was the migration crisis and a letter from the British Prime Minister that ignited the powder.

British Home Secretary Priti Patel has become persona non grata in France. In a new episode of tensions between France and the United Kingdom, Gerald Darmanin canceled the arrival of his counterpart when she was to be present at a meeting to be held Sunday, November 28 in Calais (Pas-de-Calais). Boris Johnson, the English Prime Minister, then posted a letter to Emmanuel Macron on Twitter.

“I am surprised at the methods when they are not serious. We do not communicate between leaders in this way. We are not whistleblowers.”, proclaimed Emmanuel Macron who was traveling in Italy. The death of 27 migrants trying to reach the English coast on Wednesday, November 24, rekindled tensions between Paris and London. The United Kingdom demands that France respect the Touquet (Pas-de-Calais) agreements.


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