the arm wrestling continues between France and Italy


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The Ocean Viking, a humanitarian ship with 234 migrants on board, is still stuck between Italy and France. The two European countries pass the buck when it comes to welcoming the boat.

Lying on the ground, these migrants wait. They have now been aboard the Ocean Viking for three weeks, with 234 rescued migrants. In the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, this boat is paralyzed, awaiting a decision concerning its destination. Italy and France pass the buck. The Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, thanked France for having offered, before Olivier Véran, spokesman for the government, denied this information.

SOS Méditerranée calls for an end to this gamberge. “Each hour that passes, there are additional risks that we take, that these survivors take, that the teams trying to maintain the situation take, and which can lead to disaster”, warns Fabienne Lassalle, deputy director of SOS Méditerranée. Corsica region and the mayor of Marseille have offered to welcome the boat.

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