The Ardèche prefecture closes the Eveil et vous airy center for “malfunctions”

The Ardèche prefecture issued a decree on Thursday August 18 leading to the closure of the summer camp awakening and you, based in Vesseaux and using premises in Aubenas. The reason: mainly serious administrative dysfunctions.


It was the director of the center himself, David, who warned the prefecture by letters of the failures of the president of the association. “He arrived one day telling me that we had problems with CAF because our leisure accommodation was not declared. He even felt that it was my fault. It’s not a simple oversight: no statement, it means that we don’t have a legal existence, it means that the children are not safe with us in terms of insurance coverage” he says. Up to 25 children a day were welcomed in the center. The couple who chair the association did not respond to requests from France Bleu Drôme Ardèche.

The academic inspection pointed to a history of dysfunctions of the association which led in particular to repeated failures to declare. The prefecture specifies that this is a criminal matter, six months’ imprisonment and a fine of 3,450 euros.

Not enough money to take care of children

David also talks about more children than is legally possible. “As a director, I don’t have the possibility of refusing children from the moment they are registered. I have not stopped alerting them – the president and his wife – they don’t care” he continues.

And he continues: “They gave me 120 euros in cash on a Monday to buy 4 days of meals, breakfasts and snacks. Theoretically, it’s 100 euros a day just for lunch.”

A complaint already filed by a mother

Margaux filed a complaint on Monday for endangering others. In retrospect, she tells herself that an accident could have happened to one of her children aged 6 and 3 who attended the summer camp. She specifies: “there was no mistreatment, the facilitators were tops, but the summer camp did not exist legally”.

Jenifer, whose 3-year-old son was to join the center at the end of August, will also take legal action, “to get me to reimburse the almost 200 euros that I paid for nothing. I find that unacceptable, they don’t respect anything, neither the employees nor parents or children”. A dozen parents are also preparing to file a complaint. Another mother, Jessica, also points to the role of the community, which has let it happen.

source site-38