the architecture of the buildings in question


Video length: 3 mins.

France 2

Article written by

D. Schlienger, F. Simoes, K. Yalciner, O. Sauvayre – France 2

France Televisions

After the deadly earthquake that hit Turkey, residents are wondering about the fragility of the country’s buildings. In particular that of a luxury residence, in Hatay, which overturned at the time of the earthquake.

A residence in Turkey that collapsed in the earthquake has become the country’s largest field of ruins. More than 1,000 people slept there that night, only 70 of them survived. Hundreds are still under the rubble. Around, their families are waiting, having barely slept for the past six days. “They had fallen in love with this apartment, they had been sold a luxury residence. It was cardboard, in fact”, protests a woman.

Residents feel cheated

Built 11 years ago, the Renaissance residence was the largest and most luxurious in the city of Hatay (Turkey). It has become an open tomb. The 12-story building didn’t just collapse, it toppled over, cut clean, as if it had no foundation except piles of scrap metal. Sadness is mixed with anger and the feeling of having been cheated. The property developer, who was trying to flee after the earthquake, was arrested and charged.

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