The appointment of a Prime Minister is “too long”, deplores the general secretary of the CFDT

The name is still awaited. While the Elysée promises to“go fast” To finally choose a Prime Minister after 47 days of political crisis, Emmanuel Macron has still not named an occupant at Matignon, Sunday September 1st. The nomination is “too long”while the “Workers’ needs did not disappear this summer”deplored the number 1 of the CFDT, Marylise Léon, in an interview with The Sunday Tribune. “I am worried (…): since the announcement of the dissolution, the challenges we are facing, particularly climatic and social, have been ignored”underlines the head of the first French union. Follow our live broadcast.

Several political interviews. To comment on this news, several political figures are invited this Sunday. Such as Aurore Bergé, resigning minister in charge of Equality between women and men, on Europe 1 at 10 am, the former minister Ségolène Royal on Public Sénat at noon, the coordinator of LFI Manuel Bompard on BFMTV at noon or the president of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, on the franceinfo channel at noon.

LFI calls on parliamentarians to dismiss Macron. LFI deputies published their proposed resolution on Saturday to initiate impeachment proceedings against Emmanuel Macron, accusing him of “serious breach” to his “duty” by refusing to accede to the request of the New Popular Front to appoint Lucie Castets to Matignon. They call on parliamentarians to support her for “defend democracy”.

The Republicans transformed. Eric Ciotti, the contested president of the Les Républicains party after his alliance with the National Rally, announced on Saturday during his political comeback that he wanted to transform LR into the Union of the Right for the Republic (UDR), while remaining vague about its contours. Considering that “The Les Republicans brand is today outdated, discredited by its defeats, its contradictions, its lack of courage”he thus proposed “to re-establish [sa] political family”.

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