the appointment of a new coach? Priority but no timing, according to the president of the ASNL

This December 23, Benoit Pedretti, the coach of the Nancy football club announced that he was putting an end to his interim started in September after the departure of Daniel Stendel. He then confided to the Republican East “aWith 12 points at the break, it’s obviously very complicated. I have already activated a lot of levers. There was a reflection after Dijon and I chose to stop “.

Since ? No new information from the club on the future, a club ranked last in the league 2 standings, no response to our requests to President Gauthier Ganaye.

And then this Thursday, December 30, this interview in the form of questions and answers published on the ASNL site. “Gauthier Ganaye takes stock, can we read the title on the three burning issues of the moment: the appointment of a new coach, the transfer window and the complicated situation of the club“.

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The appointment of a new coach: “I will be careful not to announce the slightest timing”

Gauthier Ganaye confides his “disappointment“of the choice of Benoit Pedretti, while respecting him. The appointment of a new coach is”the priority file“, he recognizes the idea is to engage quickly”a coach who knows league 2 “ (…) “Its mission will be to meet the challenge of maintaining and prepare the team as well as possible for its 19 finals.“.

To the question when? The president of the ASNL responds “We want to finalize this recruitment as quickly as possible in order to give ourselves the best chances of success. The difficulty of the task to be accomplished necessarily greatly reduces the list of candidates and can therefore delay the timing.. (…) I will be careful not to announce the slightest precise timing“.

A club in bad shape

On the poor results of Nancy footballers, Gauthier Ganaye notes “an accounting reality, if we continue on this average of points, the team will be relegated to National at the end of the season“. (…)”I take responsibility for this failed first half of the season but it is out of the question to give up and admit defeat halfway through the race“.

When we ask him the question about a possible strengthening of the team. He answers “in our situation, it is essential to carry out a quality transfer window targeted to our needs. But it is also if not more important that the players of the current squad find the resources to reverse the dynamics. Gauthier Ganaye continues “it is quite possible that one or more departures are necessary in order to have the quality recruitment that we all want“. (…)”Our transfer window will go through loans or free players with all the uncertainties that this may entail“.

It is not the existence of the club that we must save (…) but its place in League 2!

On the concerns expressed by the supporters, the president of the ASNL replied that “the club’s downfall would be a major underperformance in the history of the club, and you can be sure that we are doing everything we can to give ourselves the best weapons to avoid it. But this probability exists today and it would be unconscious of us to deny it” (…) he concludes “it is not the existence of the club that we must save in the next 19 matches, but its place in league 2!

“Noise with the mouth” reacts a member of a supporters’ club

A conclusion that makes supporters react on social networks. On Twitter Kilian Valentin, member of the National Supporters Association, member of Saturday FC, the main Nancy club writes “We call it making noise with the mouth. No legitimacy. “It is not the existence of the club that must be saved”. Well so precisely. You already put 0 euro in the club, it will not be for doing it in National“.

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