The appeal of Sonia Heckel, world n°1 in boccia without a sponsor

If people open the door to boccia, they’re sure to come back, because it’s a fun sport!“The frustration can be heard in the voice of Sonia Heckel, a few minutes before her boccia training of the day at CREPS in Essey-les-Nancy.

The Club Handisport de Ludres player has reason to be frustrated, she who has just dropped out the place of world n°1 of his discipline, but who is still without a sponsor.

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4 medals in the last two World Cups

I thought that with my track record and my last performances it would change, but for the moment it has not changed much“, laments the 33-year-old athlete. During the last two World Cup events in Brazil and Portugal, Sonia Heckel still won four medals (silver then gold individually, bronze and silver in pairs) in the BC3 category.

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But despite the support of the disabled sports federation, the sponsors are more oriented towards athletes from more recognized disciplines, such as swimming or athletics. “It’s frustrating, because we’re still the second disabled sport in France in number of licenseesregrets Heckel. And above all, it is a discipline that is accessible to all types of handicap, and it is certain that it is the future!

An active champion on social networks

So while waiting for the right find, Sonia Heckel and her sports assistant Florent Brachet are trying to make themselves known. through communication on social networks of the champion (Facebook and Instagram) and by word of mouth. “We receive a lot of messages of support, a lot of kindness“, greets the native of Saverne.

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She will need it for the rest of the season. The next competitive meeting will be in September in Rome for the World Boccia Challenger, where it will have a status to defend. Obviously before the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games in the medium term, where the champion will be at home and intends to perform well to bring her discipline out of the shadows.

13 clubs in Lorraine

There is room for everyoneand I know it’s a sport that will interest even more people“, promises Sonia Heckel.

In Lorraine, there are already many options available to join a boccia club: Flavigny S/ Moselle, Jarnisy, Ludres, Lunéville, Vandoeuvre (Meurthe-et-Moselle), Golbey, Rochesson, Chavelot (Vosges), Bar-le-Duc, Verdun, Commercy (Meuse), and Moulins-les-Metz, Metz (Moselle).

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