the appeal of actress Judith Chemla, victim of domestic violence

“Ladies, don’t be afraid, never withdraw a complaint you file”called Wednesday on France Inter the actress Judith Chemla, victim of domestic violence. “I was intimidated, I was made to feel guilty”relates the actress who revealed, on Monday, on social networks photos of her swollen face dating from the past year and accompanied by a text in which she accuses, without naming him, her ex-companion and father of her daughter , actor and director Yohan Manca.

“I did not premeditate this speech at all, I never imagined showing these photos”, explains Judith Chemla on France Inter. The actress had indicated on her Instagram account that she had made this decision because her ex-companion, sentenced in May 2022 to an eight-month suspended prison sentence for domestic violence, harassment and home invasion, “keep trying to [lui] harm”.

“Despite an eight-month suspended prison sentence, he continues to think he is a victim.”

Judith Chemla

on France Inter

“For a year, I protected him. I wanted his film to work, I wanted him to be able to continue working. I never spoke. I wanted my daughter’s father to be successful , that his talent is exercised. I wanted to give him a chance as a father, as a man, as an artist. He has ruined all his chances one after the other, he feels above the laws”says the actress.

“Some women no longer have the courage to fight”, regrets Judith Chemla. She calls them to “file a complaint” and to “to fight” for their children, “so that their thoughts, their moral integrity are protected”. She describes her five-year-old daughter as “instrumentalized” By his father. “Why am I talking today? Because these words from my daughter, the ones I’m going to tell you now, I’m going to fight against that. These words from my daughter who says to me: ‘Me, one day, if someone hurts me, I will not ask justice to protect me. I will fight so that she knows that she must protect herself and thus protect other women. And him, that he understands that if he doesn’t change, his daughter will be a consenting battered wife.”

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