the apologies and tears of Salah Abdeslam



Article written by

N. Perez, L. Barbry, L. Simondet, E. De Pourquery, B. Bervas – franceinfo

France Televisions

Friday April 15, Salah Abdeslam apologized to the victims of the November 13, 2015 attacks. by shedding a few tears.

On Friday April 15, Salah Abdeslam apologized and wept as he answered questions from lawyers about the night of November 13. The defendant turned to the victims and said: “I send you my condolences and my apologies”. “I’m not sure of his sincerity, but I’m not sure, either, of the contrary. It was my daughter who was killed and I cannot forgive in her place”says Georges Salines, father of a victim of the attacks.

In order to show how Salah Abdeslam adapts his speech, an interview with the accused, conducted on the night of November 13, 2015, was broadcast to the hearing. In this one, he pretends to be surprised by the many roadblocks on the road. “We have a speech that is quite constructed and polished, except when we come to elements that concern his ego”indicates Gérard Chelma, lawyer for the civil parties, who recalls that Salah Abdeslam showed a great deal of composure during the attacks of November 13.

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