The antivax now have their own dating site … we explain everything HERE!

While in France, controversies around the vaccine pass follow one another, the Swiss have found a new way to counter the measures applied which fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. Under the rejection of health restrictions, the new meeting platform for the unvaccinated is all the rage in this small country. It is especially the Germans who registered on the site to find love without barrier gesture according to the German site Cicero and relayed by Courrier international on January 10, 2022. Unconsciousness or fundamental right? For now, the dating platform is not illegal. “For all people who are conscious and without a vaccine who prefer to hold hands instead of keeping their distance. For friendship, meetings and loves of all ages, whether you are single or taken ”we read on the home page of Impffrei: Love.

The site indicates that at the moment there are more than 12,000 registered. Only the dating network is chargeable. Users must pay 100 Swiss francs per semester. One internet user, quite happy with the concept, comments: “At Impffrei: Love, you meet conscious people with heart, soul and values ​​- and with a bit of luck you can also meet the love of your life. In fact, we prefer to get to know each other in real analog life. We are all the more excited about non-vaccination: Love, as well as the opportunity to network with like-minded people. Together we want to build a better and more human future and are very grateful for this alternative platform. “

Even Tinder added a mention that specifies whether the person is vaccinated or not with the coronavirus … The divide between pro-vaccines and antivaxes continues to grow in the world … and this in all areas.


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