the annual food bank collection has started


Video duration:
2 min

Solidarity: the Food Bank’s annual collection has started

Solidarity: the annual collection of the Food Bank has started – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – L. Legendre-Trousset, J. Wild, A. Fuzzier, JJ. Buty, G. Liaboeuf

France Televisions

Every year, Food Bank volunteers invite you to be generous. The time has come, with the annual collection, until Sunday November 26.

The weekend is crucial for Food Banks. They have to restock for the winter. Due to inflation, donations of oil, pasta or canned goods are becoming rarer. “We can’t give every time, but when we can give, we give”confided one person. “We have to show solidarity. We are not immune, it can happen to anyone”adds another.

Increase in the number of beneficiaries

The needs are even greater in 2023. The number of beneficiaries is up 9%. Meals are provided, but with fewer products. “The national collection that we carry out at the end of November, before it lasted all year, so we were able to hold out until the next collection. Now, from May-June, we have nothing left in our warehouses”comments Laurence Champier, federal director of Food Banks.

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