Video length: 2 min
Barnier Government: announcements made by the Prime Minister concerning purchasing power
During the general policy speech, the new Prime Minister Michel Barnier repeated several times that he wanted to start a dialogue with the unions in particular. Objective: discuss pension reform and unemployment insurance reform. Furthermore, he announced a boost for purchasing power by increasing the minimum wage by 2% from November.
(France 2)
During the general policy speech, the new Prime Minister Michel Barnier repeated several times that he wanted to start a dialogue with the unions in particular. Objective: discuss pension reform and unemployment insurance reform. Furthermore, he announced a boost for purchasing power by increasing the minimum wage by 2% from November.
In a Parisian brasserie, there is the visible part with the waiters on the side of the room and on the backstage side, the invisible part with the dishwashers and launderers. For the latter, paid the minimum wage and carrying out physical and demanding work, life is more and more expensive on a daily basis. On Tuesday, October 1, Prime Minister Michel Barnier announced a 2% increase in the minimum wage, which represents around 30 euros net more each month.
With a view to encouraging the increase of low incomes, the government is considering eliminating certain reductions in employer contributions, which slow down salary increases just above the minimum wage. Announcements that are not necessarily to the taste of business leaders. For its part, the CGT is satisfied with these announcements but the union also explains that it remains very vigilant for the future.
Watch the full report in the video above.