the announcement that shocks and worries his fans, x months after his release

November 2021 will be a month she will never forget, like the majority of her fans. This marks the end of the guardianship of the American star Britney Spears. A release for the artist who had to fight, alongside her fans who have always supported her in this fight, for many years to get rid of the grip of her father. Recently, she told the story of those years that caused her a lot of harm, and which marked her for life, through her Instagram account.

“I will never forget the first day my father became my guardian”first wrote the singer before continuing: “He said, ‘Sit in this chair, we’re going to have a conversation’. He said, ‘I’m Britney Spears and from now on I decide what happens’. And from that day on, I I felt like a huge part of my femininity was taken away from me. I was never the same again”. A chilling story, obviously saddening the whole of his community. This one “celebrating” her victory in the continuation of her very long post: “Thirteen years later and I’ve made it!”. “If I had told you at 17 that in nine years your father was going to take control of your entire career, what do you think you would have said? No way!”she concluded.

Today, although Britney Spears still has many worries, she is finally free and can do “whatever she wants”. In particular, she can write when and as she sees fit on social networks in order to exchange with her fans who have never let her go. At least, until Wednesday, March 16. Indeed, for the past few hours, the star’s Instagram account has been deactivated. This is of great concern to his followers, although some are thinking positively and thinking about the announcement of a huge project in the coming hours.

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