the animators are mobilizing for this couple from whom the tax authorities are demanding 20 million euros!

It’s a barely believable story that happened to this couple who lived and still lives a real nightmare. Daniel Monteiro was the victim of identity theft when he opened his garage. The young entrepreneur received countless tickets for which he was not responsible. Worse, he and his wife are accused of drug trafficking and kidnapping of elderly people. They are then the victims of a network of well-organized criminals. Criminals who go so far as to threaten their two victims with death, torn by the debts contracted by the usurpation of their identity. The couple then left Paris to go 800 km to the Basque Country and thus escape their executioners. If justice finally manages to arrest the culprits, the nightmare does not stop there for the two victims. Indeed, despite the discovery of the deception, the tax authorities continue to claim money from the couple who would be liable for nearly twenty million euros.

A case that particularly touched and outraged Julien Courbet. The host, famous for pinning down scams, was pleased that Jacques Legros devoted a report to this astonishing affair in his 13 hours of TF1. “The one we have been defending for 6 months and for whom the editorial staff is fighting had the honors of 1 p.m., the more of us who support him, the better“, he wrote on Twitter in caption of a video showing the report in question.

A publication which immediately made Internet users react, pointing out in particular that the story of this couple was also covered during the 1 p.m. of France 2. “It’s great what you are doing for Daniel and his family, yesterday I cried a lot when I saw the distress of his wife and his, and at 1 p.m. re belote I still had my little tear for this pretty solid couple to continue to fight, thank you Julien”, “Breathtaking! Administration at its finest. “It’s like that, not otherwise!” We don’t want to know anything” hoping that you and your team will be able to solve the problem!”, “It also appeared in the 1 p.m. newspaper on France 2….and that’s a good thing..“, can we read among the comments.

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