the anguish of the peloton in the face of Covid-19


Article written by

J. Longchampt, G. Naboulet, B. Poulain, O. Gardette, M. Gualandi, X. Richard, F. Cardoen, F. Levasseur, L. Feuillebois – franceinfo

France Televisions

Tested positive for Covid-19, four riders have already had to leave the Tour de France. Sunday, July 10, a massive screening took place, raising fears of a forced abandonment to the members of the peloton.

The operation is intended to be discreet, so it is concealed from the public eye and protected by law enforcement. Under barnums, a massive test campaign takes place on Sunday July 10. It is mandatory for all runners. The hunt for the Covid in the peloton has begun. “As always, it tickled my brain. It’s not very pleasant“, testifies Tadej Pogacar, double winner of the Tour de France.

The virus has entered the Tour de France. Guillaume Martin, best Frenchman last year, headed for the station this morning. He is forced to give up, as he has tested positive. “It’s quite frustrating“, says the runner. In two days, four runners who tested positive for Covid had to leave the race. A first on the Tour. Some spectators worry that the big riders have to leave the Tour. In the departure and arrival areas in the stages, the mask is compulsory. But there are no restrictions for the public, so some teams are wondering.

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