the anguish of the loved ones of the missing



Video duration:
1 minute

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – V. Lerouge, V. Gaglione, D. Basier, F. Mazou, @RevelateursFTV, T. Breton, L. Bleuen

France Televisions

Hundreds of families in Israel are desperately searching for information to find their loved ones. Among the missing, there are 14 French people.

Monday October 9, around a hundred people are still missing in Israel, probably held hostage by Hamas. For three days, a father has lived in anguish. He saw a photo of his daughter on the Internet, who appears to be held in an unknown location. He has no more news. “I’m so sad. She is my only child“, he cries. Among the missing, there are 14 French people, including Céline. This 32-year-old young mother was going to the rave party on Saturday. Her cell phone has not responded since.

Hamas threatens to kill hostages

In Montpellier (Hérault), his cousin scans social networks, but feels helpless. “There is total helplessness. (…) It’s horrible to say, but we would almost have preferred to find his lifeless body.”, he confides, fearing that she will be held hostage. Those who were able to get their loved ones on the phone on Saturday, in the midst of chaos, recount a terrifying exchange. Most of the hostages are said to be held in Gaza, currently under fire from the Israeli army, continuously for 24 hours. Hamas threatened, in the evening, to kill hostages in retaliation and to broadcast the images.

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