“The anger of the teachers has not completely subsided”, says the SNUipp-FSU

“The anger of teachers has not completely subsided”, affirmed Monday January 17 on franceinfo Guislaine David, co-secretary and spokesperson of the SNUipp-FSU, while a new day of action is planned for Thursday January 20 in National Education. The unions FSU, CGT Educ’action, FO and SUD Education, as well as the FCPE, the first organization of parents of pupils, and the high school student movements Fidl, MNL and La Voix lycéenne call for “continue mobilization”, engaging “in a new day of action on January 20, including by the strike”.

This day “will not take the same form everywhere”, emphasizes Guislaine David: “In some departments, it may be the strike according to local decisions. And in other departments, it will be rallies at noon or in the evening in front of the DSDEN [direction des services départementaux de l’éducation], in front of the rectorates, but also the demonstration by displaying banners on the schools to show that the anger of the teachers has not completely subsided.

The SNUipp-FSU representative pointed out that the “anger expressed last Thursday“on the previous day of the widely followed strike, “is deep and has difficulty falling back, because the discussions with the Prime Minister on Thursday evening did not make it possible to answer all the questions and all the anger of the teachers”. If the unions have “got some very clear answers” to their questions, “others are still pending”.

Guislaine David evokes “in particular to the question of posts and the collective budget” demanded by the unions. “We asked for more jobs to be set up for schools. We also asked for a number of things in terms of educational policy which did not come to fruition.”

“We had an opening of discussion with the minister on Thursday, which also showed the disavowal of the Minister of National Education on health issues.”

Guislaine David, SNUipp-FSU

at franceinfo

On the question of wages, the SNUipp-FSU adds that“there will also be the strike of January 27, which is a broader strike in the civil service, but which will also bring teachers on strike”. Guislaine David also appeals to presidential candidates. “The school must really be at the center of this campaign. Unfortunately, it is not there”, regrets the representative of the SNUipp-FSU: “It is also necessary that the candidates for the presidential election show their interest in the school. The crisis that the school is experiencing at the moment is important to put in the debates.”

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