the anger of the inhabitants of Derna



Video length:
1 minute


Article written by

franceinfo – C. Cuello, P. Minet

France Televisions

The Derna region is heavily affected by flooding, while access to the area remains very difficult. France sent a field hospital to the site as there were numerous deaths.

It is a field of ruins and desolation. Nothing resisted the force of the waters in Derna (Libya), disfigured three days after the passage of storm Daniel. In a collapsed house, the body of a child is found wrapped in a blanket. You can hear the despair of a father. There are so many dead that they are lying on the ground in the street. “It’s a terrible disasterntable”laments a local resident.

Two dams in question

One of the causes of this disaster are two dams. The dikes gave way, spilling millions of cubic meters of water. The residents accuse. “We had already warned the authorities, we had heard cracking on the dam. He would have had to repair it. We said it and no one heard us. Now our city is flooded”, complains a resident. The urgency now is to help the victims.

source site-29