The centrists only obtained one ministerial post, that of Marc Fesneau who remains in Agriculture in the new government of Gabriel Attal. Enough to cause strong tensions within François Bayrou’s party.
Reading time: 3 min

The first Council of Ministers of Gabriel Attal’s government, Friday January 12 at the end of the morning, was dispatched in barely half an hour in the green room of the Elysée Palace. The Prime Minister followed up with a trip to a college in Andrésy, in Yvelines. But before that, he took the time to have lunch with the bosses of the majority, in particular the presidents of the parliamentary groups of the presidential majority. Because anger is brewing among Emmanuel Macron’s historic allies, notably the centrists of the MoDem, following the announcement of the composition of the Attal government.
A “arm of honor”a “insult” : these are the harsh words used by François Bayrou’s supporters when they look at the trombinoscope.
The MoDem only obtained one position within the government, a meager haul, with Marc Fesneau Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, in sixth protocol rank. Behind the scenes, François Bayrou is described as “furious”. If he had succeeded in convincing Emmanuel Macron not to appoint Catherine Vautrin or more recently Sébastien Lecornu to Matignon, this time he is threatening, according to some in his entourage, to constitute an autonomous centrist list in view of the European elections on June 9. “But it’s his only lever”, puts into perspective an advisor who explains that this Attal government was first formed to campaign on TV sets and in meetings. And “for that”, said this same advisor, there is no “no need for MoDem.”
Centrists denounce an “alliance with Sarkozy”
For centrists, the government leans too far to the right. Even worse, in the eyes of some, this reshuffle is the result of a “alliance with Nicolas Sarkozy”, the lifelong adversary of François Bayrou, who was built politically in opposition to the former President of the Republic. The former centrist presidential candidate even theorized it in a book in 2009, Abuse of power.
The centrists fell off their chairs when they learned of the appointment of Rachida Dati to Culture. The former Minister of Justice was in fact the intimate enemy of Marielle de Sarnez, also a former minister and close to François Bayrou, who died just three years ago. “More than bad manners”says a friend of François Bayrou, who gets annoyed: “What Sarkozy dreamed of, Macron did.”
The rallying of Fançois Bayrou was a decisive turning point in Emmanuel Macron’s campaign in 2017 but “the time for love is over”confides one of his relatives. “Our mistake was to think that we would have a pension for life”he adds.
Positions of delegated ministers and state secretaries as consolation prizes?
To calm the anger of François Bayrou, a rebalancing is possible since an additional list of delegated ministers and secretaries of state is expected within ten days. “It’s going to be fixed thanks to that, we’re going to give us a few rattles”, estimates a centrist MP. The Housing and Transport portfolios were not announced on Thursday January 11, and the secretariats ofEstate are expected for Youth, the Olympic Games or Universal National Service. Before that, Emmanuel Macron will speak at the start of next week, inevitably with a message for his majority. “But deep down, between us, the damage is done”grimaces an elected official.
Members of the left wing no longer find it at all either, between the pension reform and the immigration law, then now this new government. Behind the scenes, they are also trying to organize themselves.