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The judicial police officers protest Tuesday, October 11 against the reform wanted by the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin. The journalist Claire Vérove, live in front of the headquarters of the judicial police, in Paris, takes stock of the situation on the spot.
The reform of the judicial police is causing a stir at all levels, from the base to the highest of the hierarchy. And for the first time, the magistrates join a demonstration, Tuesday, October 11. “Several hundred police officers are gathering here in front of the regional judicial police headquarters. They are mostly dressed in black, some have come with signs that read: ‘RIP judicial police'”reports thea journalist Claire Vérove, live in front of the headquarters of the judicial police, in Paris.
This is a “new mobilization of these usually rather discreet officers, unaccustomed to expressing their dissatisfaction”, adds Claire Vérove. However, these latter “stand up today against the police reform wanted by Gérald Darmanin”continues the journalist, who specifies that this reform “plans for a total reorganization of the 150,000 police officers, whether they work in intelligence, public security or even the judicial police”. So they should “be reorganized into departmental centers under the authority of a director, appointed by the prefect”emphasizes Claire Vérove.
Many criticisms are raised. “Mr. Darmanin, as part of his reform, will allow departmental directors to take judicial police personnel and make them available for missions other than their own, and in doing so, he will lower the quality of France’s response. to organized crime”berates Thomas, judicial police officer.