the anger of artists against Europe’s decision to ban colors



Article written by

B. Drouet, M. Weber, H. Guiraudou, A. Delahaye – France 3

France Televisions

A decision by Europe has sparked the wrath of tattoo artists. As of January 4, 2022, several color inks will be banned. For Brussels, it is about protecting the consumer. Professionals denounce an unfounded measure.

In Le Havre, in Seine-Maritime, the future of the La Lanterne Rouge store could soon turn black. From January 2022, according to a decision from Europe, Baptiste Boulay will have to reduce his palette of color inks. “The first inks incriminated are the ranges of blue and green […] Much of what has there is in danger of being deleted “, regrets the young tattoo artist from Le Havre. Installed just six months ago, the manager is worried: “Maybe it’s the death of my box.”

According to the European Chemicals Agency, some additives and pigments in inks could be toxic. For the national union of artists and tattooists, the study lacks details. “People have been tattooed since the dawn of time, there has never been cancer”, underlines Franck, tattoo artist and union member. An online petition against the European decision is circulating. It has already collected more than 100,000 signatures.

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