the analysis of Dominique Trinquant, former head of the French military mission to the UN and Antoine Vitkine, journalist at Le Monde



Video length: 4 mins.

France 2

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General Dominique Trinquant, former head of the French military mission to the UN, and Antoine Vitkine, journalist at Le Monde specializing in Russia, are present on the set of 20 Heures, Saturday June 24. They shed light on the situation in Moscow.

What happened in Russia on Saturday June 24? “An attempted coup, a rebellion”describes General Dominique Trinquand, specialist in international issues and former head of the French military mission to the UN. “President Putin had given the order for Prigozhin’s soldiers to enlist in the Russian army, which Prigozhin refused. Probably the FSB hit Wagner’s soldiers, to say: there you go, last warning”, details the specialist. Evguéni Prigojine, who would have seen himself as “the next target”would have decided to cross the Rubicon by confronting the Minister of Defence, “to destabilize [l]th system” And “save [s]has skin”.

Complicities in the Russian army?

Why didn’t the Russian army intervene? “Probably accomplices in the Russian army”says General Dominique Trinquand.

Antoine Vitkine, journalist and director of the documentary Putin’s revenge explains for his part that Evguéni Prigojine “went to the end of a logic that he deployed month after month”. “He is the consequence of this crazy decision by Putin on February 24, 2022 to go to war against Ukraine. What was supposed to be a three-day special operation got bogged down. Putin found himself in this situation where he needed to call (…) a militia leader, which he had created from scratch a few years earlier”recalls the journalist.

After a year of fighting “feet in blood”Prigozhin “conceived both resentment towards the Russian military authorities”And “saw an opportunity”he concludes.

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