the amount of Carlos Tavares’ remuneration is controversial


France 2

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Carlos Tavares, executive director of Stellantis, should receive a remuneration of 66 million euros for the year 2021. This sum raises questions among the shareholders of the group.

He is at the head of Stellantis, the 4th car manufacturer in the world. Carlos Tavares will receive a remuneration of 19.1 million euros for 2021. By 2028, if he achieves certain objectives, this amount could reach 66 million euros. A compensation deemed scandalous by the CGT, the third union at PSA. “He’s the same guy who tells Stellantis workers he can’t raise their salaries because there’s no money.“, lambasted Philippe Martinez, secretary general of the CGT invited Wednesday, April 13 in Télématin.

In the middle of the presidential campaign, the subject took a political turn. On the government side, the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire considers this salary excessive. “It must lead us to reflect on this question of the salaries of managers in relation to the employees of the company, but to do so at European level because otherwise you will lose all the good bosses who obtain results“, he estimated. For Marine Le Pen, candidate of the National Rally, this remuneration is “shocking“, but “less than for others“. She points out that for once, “business results are good“. In 2021, the automotive giant made record profits of more than 13 billion euros.

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