The amigo, the nightclub bus resumes service in Montpellier

With the reopening of nightclubs and dance bars on Wednesday February 16, the Amigo, the night owl bus resumes service in Montpellier from this Thursday.

This bus service performs the shuttle between the city center and the nightclubs on the outskirts, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from midnight to 5 am (6 am in summer). It saves revelers from having to take their vehicle and allows them to return safely for themselves and for those they might have come across.

This bus service is at the price of a round trip on the Tam network, and takes the subscription cards and the new free pass. A ticket that must be validated when boarding the front of the vehicle.

On return, it stops on demand customers who must indicate to the driver the place of the stop when they board.

To consult the routes, the sectors served, and the stops, you must go to

For the time being, wearing a mask remains compulsory as in all public transport.

source site-38