“The Americans can access the space station without the Russians”, explains François Chopard, founder of Starburst

The war in Ukraine is also a game-changer in the field of space.

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The showdown between Russia and Western countries extends into space. Several projects are called into question. The management of the ISS, the international space station, in particular, becomes tense. Eco guest of franceinfo, François Chopard, founder of Starburst, start-up accelerator in the sector, nevertheless believes that the situation has changed. According to him, the United States is no longer dependent on Russia.

Russian space agency director Dmitry Rogozin hinted that Western sanctions could “destroy“international work around the ISS, and even cause the station to fall.”There is a risk“, believes François Chopard, because the Russian Soyuz capsule contributes to “go back up“The ISS regularly. But the situation is changing quickly, explains the founder of Starburst.

“Elon Musk (SpaceX) announced that his Dragon capsule could do the same thing as Soyuz (…) The United States has regained its autonomy and space sovereignty thanks to Elon Musk, funded by NASA.”

François Chopard, founder of Starburst

on franceinfo

Todayexplains the specialist, Americans can get to the space station without the Russians”whereas “eighteen months ago they were still dependent on the Russians and the Soyuz rocket“.

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