the Ambrières-les-Vallées hand club won the first edition

Mayenne handball will be in the spotlight this Saturday, June 11 at the Accord Arena in Paris. The Union Sud Mayenne players will play in the final of the Coupe de France des regions. A match against the Palaiseau club. Twelve years ago (June 5, 2010), handball players from Ambrières-les-Vallées won the same French Regional Cup. It was even the first edition. The players remember this feat.

Anita Robillard was the captain of the Ambrières team at the time: “they are memorable, even unforgettable memories. It was really a great human and sporting adventure. I wish every athlete to experience moments like this.

Magical moments

Good memories are also very present for her teammate and friend, Céline Beaudet: “the final had been very tight. At the final whistle, it was really a magical moment with tears of joy, hugs, it was really magical. I consider it one of the most beautiful moments of my life. It is the culmination of a team of girlfriends and a club.

Twelve years ago, five coaches of supporters had made the trip about 250 people. “It was really a whole city that followed us” recalls the former player. “We still hear about it regularly today. And I still say it often, these are magical moments for amateur players. This Coupe de France formula is really very, very good for giving players like us to be able to live moments like that.

If the trophy still sits in a club room, Céline Beaudet has carefully kept her medal: “I think we’re all a bit the same. We all have our little box with our photos, the articles that appeared in the press at the time. We had been followed by Hand Action which is a national magazine and which had done a report on our team. And then, I have my little medal, I keep it all very preciously and it’s always a pleasure to show it.

So tips for players from USM? : “it’s really the team spirit that can make the difference. You have to have fun, have fun. From the moment you have fun on a field, that’s a lot of things. You have to go there to win. If there is victory at the end, it’s still much more fun. Have fun and really enjoy the moment“says Céline Beaudet.

The Ambrières players beat Pérignat, 26-22.
Julien Beaudet / ASA Handball

The Château-Gontier handball players will face the Palaiseau team this Saturday, June 11 at 4:30 p.m. in Paris.

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