The Alouettes at the Percival-Molson stadium to stay there?

If it were up to president Mark Weightman, the Alouettes would continue to play at Percival-Molson Stadium for several more years.

“In the best case, it could be a long-term project, but we have other priorities that we want to tackle now,” he slices.

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Weightman does not hide his love for the Percival-Molson stadium, which belongs to McGill University.

“It sure is sexy to talk about a new stadium, but first you have to see what you have. We must not forget that we are fortunate to have this very intimate, charming stadium, located in the city center and with a superb view. There is no one who comes to the stadium for the first time and does not find it cool. »

A common situation

Moreover, the Alouettes club has no absolute interest in owning its own facilities.

“It’s very common for a club not to necessarily own a stadium. It is a problem that is not one. The real objective is to have a good place to present matches in order to have fun, and we have it. »

“The options must be evaluated, there may be options that deserve to be developed and analyzed before making a decision”, nevertheless continues the president, insisting on the fact that the short-term goal is to improve the customer experience at Percival-Molson Stadium.

The party in the stadium

With some adjustments, it will be like the good old days.

“The strength of the Alouettes in the early 2000s was that we had a reputation where the party was held in the stadium. It was a happening, an opportunity that people did not want to miss. »

For the 2023 season, the first date to circle is Saturday, June 10. The rock group Our Lady Peace will notably be on hand for a concert at halftime.

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